Thursday, March 15, 2012

shot-list v.2


WS - Flashback – autumn day. Mya sits in the park with her parents to take a family photo. 7s
MCU - Mya looks at the family photo. The lady’s voice tells Mya to get downstairs immediately 4s
MS - Mya quickly puts the photograph on the table and runs straight downstairs. “Mya, get down here immediately!” says the lady. 6s
WS - Mya goes out and back with some wood. 6s
MCU - Mya lies down on her bed and feeling relief. 4s
MS - Flashback – The lady pushes Mya into a room and says “If you want to stay here and live you better listen to what I tell you to do.” 4s
CU –Mya’s face - and the angry voice of the lady yelling from downstairs “Mya” 4s
MS - Mya terrifies and sits up 2s
MS -Slowly zoom in the door as the footsteps get louder. 3s
MS - The lady opens the door. 1s
MS - Mya stands still with arms crossed. 1s
MCU - She grabs Mya hair 1s
MS - She pulls Mya out of the room and drags her downstairs despite Maya is crying and begging. 3s
MS – The lady opens the down stair door. 2s
MS - The lady pushes Mya out of the house and shut the door very hard. 5s
MS - Mya starts to sob. 4s
Ms - Awhile later the lady opens the door but instead of letting Mya in, she throws the photo of Mya parents out into snow. 3s
MCU - Photograph on the snow 1s
MS - Mya picks the photograph up and silently walks away. Fade 10s
WS - of the strong wind keeps blowing almost knocks Mya over as she walks against the wind’s direction. 3s
MS - Mya tries to balance. 2s
EWS - Mya slowly walks on the snow and suddenly Maya stops. 5s
MCU - Mya uses her bare hands to gather snow and builds 2 big snowballs. 4s
WS - Mya builds snowballs. 3s
MS - After Mya finished she puts the photograph in the middle of 2 snowballs. 4s
CU - Mya’s sad face. 2s
MS - She stands up 2s
CU - Mya breathes heavily with her eyes barely open. 3s
MS - A strong wind suddenly blows over Mya and she starts tumble. 2s
CU - Mya’s knees go down half way to the ground. 3s
MS - two miracle hands grab Mya’s arms. 2s
CU – Mya barely opens her eyes and looks up, she smiles. 3s
MS - the hands slowly help her to get up. 2s
EWS - Mya slowly walks away with 2 white shadows, leaves behind is herself kneeling on the ground covers with snow. 6s

1 comment:

  1. Cool! you're got some well constructed stuff on your blog.I'm still not keen on the start of your animation but YOU'RE THE DIRECTOR!
